Starting Tuesday, 1/16/24, ENN Live will now start posting recordings, announcements, and events! On this website, you may submit announcement requests, watch back at the news recordings, view different announcements, submit feedback and what we can improve on, and way more.
Morning recording 10/31/23
Happy Halloween! Here is the morning announcements for today! You can find it here.
You can apply for the choice program using this link: https://palmbeachschoolsfl.scriborder.com/
Morning News 10/30/23
Hello, unfortunately todays news was not recorded. Please look at your grade level Google Classroom for more information.
10/27/23 Morning News
You can paste this like in a browser to watch the morning news: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CMdnvavXPAPIHU4ACjGhL1rwgFMdKH6o/view?usp=drive_link